e nina jay e nina jay

the storm cometh


just. look. at. me.

the beautiful thunder

of me

the storm eye be ...

eye thank you for inviting me

into this conversation

as eye move my clouds formations

as eye sit with my winds in the curation

peering over the ledges

of the edges

of the layers in these foundations

eye am the storm


the truth of rain warm


the honey and the swarm


eye watch me dri p p i n g

slowly down my arm

eye was just in the midst

of readying a storm

world over my shoulder

in need of new form

then eye pause and look at myself

of what an artist made of me

means eye am flesh living


all this texture eye be

my hair the flashes of lightning

my curls made of skins after tightening

my skin, the blues of knowing and fighting

even in the bones of the fingers

of this black womon writing

eye brew everywhere

between sun and the moon

eye upturn winter grounds

be hurricane of the dunes

eye could lift this whole world

in one breath, shall eye blow

eye smile at the grace

you don't know

that eye show

eye mean...





eye smile

even a storm

some moments

just wanna look in the mirror

and smile

eye be

the storm cometh.

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e nina jay e nina jay

no mono…

no mono…

before you ask me


a question about

how black



let me pull a




out of some

nonexistent realm

of uncertainty

don't ask me how black people feel

don't ask me where womyn folk hurt

don't ask me nothing

about millions of people

eye am but


one womon

one lesbian

one black

we both

need them 'yalls'

be transformed

inhaled like

sucked smoke

into the



of the


did you catch that?

be clear

eye am throwing

a soft


not a


(up the ass)


eye can only


tell you what



nobody alive

can tell you

how eye feel

what eye think

some will try

cuz they don't know

eye have only provided

a fraction

of the numbers

solve this equation

eye never leave all my pieces

in one place

nobody truly

know shit about



think and feel

and vice versa

don't ask me

'bout no groups

don't ask nobody

about me

only eye

can ever

tell you






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e nina jay e nina jay

Blog Post Title Three

It all begins with an idea.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

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e nina jay e nina jay

Blog Post Title Four

It all begins with an idea.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

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